2015 to 2010
Breaking Republican: A Campaign Handbook for Third Way Candidates in 2016 by Stephan Helgeson and V. Lance Tarrance, Jr.
How Republicans can win in a changing America: The Art of War with Lesson Plans now available on
December 22, 2015 - FOXNews.Com - "Trump, Sanders, Cruz: The "wei ji" of political anger (and fear) in 2016" - "There are two Chinese characters – the “Wei” and the “Ji” – that when viewed separately mean crisis and opportunity... The new key to understanding the 2016 Presidential race is that international terrorism aimed at 'big cities, big targets, and in foreign lands', at least in American minds, now become potentially local terrorist attacks...this is why the 'wei ji' moment will have to shift from crisis mode to opportunity mode to become the next pivotal moment." by V. Lance Tarrance, Jr.
October 29, 2015 - - "Will Paul Ryan be able to unite the GOP?" - "Paul Ryan was elected Speaker of the House Thursday. The burning question now is can he unite his fractured party?" by V. Lance Tarrance, Jr.
October 7, 2015 - - "To win in 2016 Republicans need a 'third way' candidate not a third rail" - "America is indeed ready for a populist conservative on public policy issues, not just another boring economic conservative or an overly moralistic social conservative." by V. Lance Tarrance, Jr.
TexasPatriots PAC
Published on Mar 15, 2014,
V. Lance Tarrance Jr., Hall of Fame political consultant and author of "How Republicans Can Win in a Changing America," spoke at the open meeting of the Texas Patriots PAC on Tuesday, March 11, 2014.
AAPC honors Hall of Fame Inductees
April 3, 2013 - AAPC honors Hall of Fame Inductees - Included in this year's inductees is famed GOP pollster V. Lance Tarrance Jr.
The presentation for Lance included testimonials from the following people:
Charles R. Black, Jr.
Chairman of Prime Policy Group
April 4, 2012 - Book Forum, CATO Institute, Washington D.C. -
"The Lost Majority: Why the Future of Government Is Up for ..."Featuring the author Sean Trende, Senior Elections Analyst,; with comments by Lance Tarrance Jr., President, Tarrance Consulting ...
2011 - "The Electoral Challenge: Theory Meets Practice", CQ Press 2011, by Stephen C. Craig, David B. Hill - Each chapter features an essay from a top scholar in the field, followed by a response from political consultants. "There are three world views concerning swing voters and these world views are often in conflict. Each seeks... to discover how swing voters reach their ultimate decision." Reference Chapter: "Measuring the Swing Voter" by V. Lance Tarrance, Jr.