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News/Views 1999 and Older




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"Breaking Republican: THE book for every Republican who wants to win in 2016", published in 2015


       It analyzes the five principal pathways to electoral victory for the next Republican President. It identifies and describes seven basic voter types and voting groups and handicaps the five top tier Republican Presidential candidates. It lays out a ‘job description’ for the next President and shows how Hillary Clinton can be beaten. Breaking Republican is also a campaign handbook or ‘Army Field Manual’ for aspiring Republican candidates. It describes the entire campaign process including: setting up a campaign organization, formulating strategy, choosing a team, political event planning, fund-raising/financing, messaging and polling. 

       Co-authored by V. Lance Tarrance Jr. and Stephan Helgesen, the book shows how Republicans can take back the White House from the Democrats and presents a detailed political battle plan for victory based on the strategies outlined in the pair’s first book, “How Republicans can win in a changing America: The Art of War with Lesson Plans” (also available on and from online). Order yours today at or get a signed copy through this website. 

Excerpts from Chapter 5, "Third Way Candidates for 2016:"

       Hillary Clinton... has found out that being a political legacy candidate is going to be rockier than expected... some of the negatives that could halt her status as a prohibitive favorite in 2016 are the following:​

  • "Even though Obama will not be on the ballot in 2016, his record will cast a giant spell on Hillary Clinton's chances"

  • "Her nomination path, even if preordained and largely uncontested, will be open for over 18 months of scrutiny and screening by investigative journalists who will resist a rubber stamped campaign."

  • "The center-left activists backing Hillary Clinton have not plugged the leak in the Democratic base vote from white, working class voters... this Clinton vulnerability has become the Democratic Party's great white whale."

  • "The Presidential contest in 2016 will be another close election as the basics of the Electoral College process have really not changed since the 2000 election."

  • "Candidate Clinton will not be able to win over the volume of African American voters, as President Obama did in his campaigns."

  • "The corruption scandal of foreign country donations to the Clinton Foundation that broke with a story by the New York Times in April 2015 is going to be a severe problem for her campaign."

  • "Accusations of potential personal gain from public office and being above the law will dog Mrs. Clinton for months, if not for the duration of the campaign."

Available on, or get a signed copy through this website. 

To order through our site simply send us an email and tell us how many books you want to buy and how you want them inscribed. 

How Republicans can WIN

"How Republicans can win in a changing America: The Art of War with Lesson Plans", published in 2013 

       V. Lance Tarrance Jr. and Stephan Helgesen challenge the Republican Party to an intervention and offer five pathways to victory in 2014 and 2016.


       The authors advocate for a “Third Way” candidate, and through an in-depth analysis of seven distinct voter types and two seminal U.S. Presidential elections, they make their case for rejecting the status quo. The Republican Party stands at the edge of a cliff looking into the abyss. Has it the power to jump the gorge or will it fall into it?  

       “A manifesto for change and a call to action” is how Tarrance and Helgesen describe their 200 plus page book and proceed to dissect the 1980 and 2012 campaigns’ messaging, strategies, financing and candidates as they move towards a full-on confrontation and analysis of the causes for the Republican loss in 2012.


Available on, or get a signed copy through this website. 

To order through our site simply send us an email and tell us how many books you want to buy and how you want them inscribed. 


"Checked and Balanced: How Ticket-Splitters Are Shaping the New Balance of Power in American Politics",by V. Lance Tarrance Jr. and Walter De Vries, Forward by David Broder (Washington Post) Published 1998

     "Divided government - one party controlling the Executive, the other the Legislative - has become an established feature, as many Americans have concluded that neither party has all the answers and that it makes sense to impose limits on them. Lance Tarrance and Walter De Vries were among the first to begin charting this development in The Ticket-Splitter(1972). Now, they continue their leading work in this major new book - essential reading for all who want to understand the evolution of American politics" - Everett C. Ladd, Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. 

     "Drawing on the research of political scientists and historians, on Gallup Opinion Polls, and on comments from independent voters in the 1996 election, this volume establishes a new vision of coalition government... the authors provocative discussion included the conclusion that shared control can actually result in a more effective government, as evidenced by welfare reform and balanced budget agreements during the Clinton era."  - The Authors

"The Ticket-Splitter: A New Force in American Politics",

 by Walter De Vries and V. Lance Tarrance Jr., Forward by David Broder (Washington Post), Published 1972, Erdmans Press 

     A Review by Commentary Magazine - "But Walter DeVries and Lance Tarrance, Jr. have apparently pinpointed a change which exists in the real world apart from the “Op-Ed” page of the New York..."

     New York Times review - From New York Times Archives December 5, 1971: Review of Ticket Splitters Called '70'S Key; Book Criticizes Traditional Views on the Voters, "...are two... Republican campaign strategists, Walter De Vries, now a professor at the University of Michigan, and Lance Tarrance Jr., now an official of the Census Bureau. Using extensive election and survey data, they sharply..."

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"Texas Precinct Votes '66":  Politics Inc. Press, edited by V. Lance Tarrance, Jr., Forward by Dr. Cliff McCleskey, University of Texas (Austin)

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"Texas Precinct Votes '68":  Southern Methodist University Press by V. Lance Tarrance, Jr.​ ​​, Forward by Richard M. Scammon 

​(Washington D.C.)

"Texas Precinct Votes '70":  University of Texas Press by V. Lance Tarrance, Jr.

"Negative Campaigns and Negative Votes":  by V. Lance Tarrance; 1 edition; First published in 1982; Subjects: Advertising, political, Election, ... 

​"Parties And Elections In An Anti-party Age": ​Edited by Jeff Fishel, Indiana University Press

 "American Politics And The Crisis Of Confidence":  Reference Chapter 2: "The Vanishing Voter" - by V. Lance Tarrance, Jr.

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