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Oct. 14, 1997 - Burson-Marsteller Expands Public Affairs Practice - Burson-Marsteller today announced the appointment of  V. Lance Tarrance Jr. to the position of managing director in the firm's expanding public affairs practice. 

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U.S. Supreme Court Decision

1996 -  U.S. Supreme Court decision, V. Lance Tarrance, Jr. Co-Chairman of the Federal Panel to adjust the 1990 U.S. Census, appointed by the Secretary of Commerce.

ABC News - this week with David BRINKLEY

January 19, 1992 - David Brinkley interviews V. Lance Tarrance, jr in the Washington D.C. studio on what his thoughts are about the presidential competition at that time.

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December 4, 1988 - Houston Chronicle, Op-Ed - "The Texas Power Connection Back in the Saddle, Again" by V. Lance Tarrance, Jr. - "Another Texas power connection appears to be marching into Washington with the Bush Administration. It is well acknowledged that Texans seem to have special talents for not only understanding power, but also getting things done... various Texas power groups have been in Washington for 50 years or more, amassing a large reservoir of experience and unique inside knowledge..."

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July 19, 1988 -  "With Bentson, the Democrats Look West, Not South" by ​Op Ed Contributor Lance Tarrance - "Virtually, all the experts are saying that Senator Lloyd Bentsen's selection as a Vice Presidential candidate signals the beginning of a classic Southern strategy by the Democrats. I think not. Rather, it may mark the beginning of a Western strategy by the Dukakis campaign aimed at cracking into the Republican Party's electoral magic kingdom - the SunBelt... Dukakis selected Senator Bentsen because, even if the South remains Reagan country, some of the key Western states are not."

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, Special Edition

 February 8, 1988 - The New American Establishment (Who Runs America):  Who's Who in Government and Politics - Roger Ailes, James Baker, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Pamela Harriman, Peter Hart, Jesse Jackson, Jame Kemp, Kevin Phillips, Pat Robertson, V. Lance Tarrance, Jr., Ann Wexler, among others.... Mitch McConnell, a dead-in-the-water Republican in a 4 to 1 Democratic state won the election. 'You can't tell me that isn't power' says polltaker, Lance Tarrance, who worked with Ailes on the campaign."

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U.s. News & world report:  The New American Establishment

February 8, 1988 -  Who Runs America, Special Edition - V. Lance Tarrance, jr.



 by Barry Goldwater with Jack Casserly (1988) Doubleday Press -  This outstanding biographical look at one of America's most controversial politicans contains many mentions of V. Lance Tarrance Jr. on pages: 131, 133, 210-213, 387, 379. 

"firing line" - by William F. Buckley:

October 29, 1987 - After the Republican Presidential Primary Debate in Houston, Texas, V. Lance Tarrance, Jr. was interviewed about the post-debate polling results of who won and who lost (Lance later on was hired as Jack Kemp's pollster).


  by John Knaggs (1986), about famed Republican Senator John Tower from Texas.  V. Lance Tarrance Jr. is mentioned on pages 83, 95, 106, 210, 216-217, 220-221, 223, 228, 230, 237, 242, 272, 282. 

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athens daily review

July 22, 1986 - "Lance Tarrance:  Magazine cites his national influence", by Ronald Brownstein, The National Journal.

National Journal

June 14, 1986 - "Making a Difference" - National Journal has identified V. Lance Tarrance, jr. as one of the 150 who stand out from the crowd of  thousands of people and organizations that can influence the federal government.

election politics

Summer, 1985 - The Institute For Government and Politics, "The Rise of the Straight Ticket Voter" by V. Lance Tarrance, see pages 7-11, in Election Politics (Vol. 2, No. 2) Paul M. Weyrich.

washington & Lee Alumni magazine

February 1985 - "Taking the Pulse of America's Voters", by Jeffery G. Hanna.  "Lance Tarrance, '63, Was One of the Biggest Winners on Election Day '84".

NEXT - a look into the future

April 1981 - "The 100 Most Powerful People For the 80's" - A Future Who's Who, V. Lance Tarrance, jr. is nominated.

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Lubbock avalanche-journal

April 15,  1981 -  "Secure West Texas Toehold By GOP Viewed By Pollster" by ​Mary Alice Robbins Avalanche-Journal Staff - "Demographic changes, both on the national and state levels, have provided Republicans some secure toeholds in areas once considered Democratic strongholds, political pollster V. Lance Tarrance told a Lubbock audience ...remains Reagan country, some of the key Western states are not."


The Free Congress Research & Education Foundation Seminar:

 1981 - "Reapportionment and Coalition Outlooks for the 1980's" edited by Stuart Rothenberg - "Redistricting...What the Data Show"  by V. Lance Tarrance, Jr. 

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December 4, 1980 - New York Times, Dallas Morning News reprinted, "Texas Independents Come of Age in the 1980's", see pages 134-135, 146 in Practicing Texas Politics (5th Edition 1983) Houghton Mifflin.


Moral Majority:

 July 1979 - "How the Moral Majority started.",   Polling by V. Lance Tarrance, Jr. 

PosT election:

1978 - "1978 Texas Election for Governor and U.S. Senate post-election conference.", by V. Lance Tarrance, Jr.



Fall 1973 Fellows -  Fall Seminar: "The Politicalization of the Federal statistical system"

Spring 1974 Fellows - Spring Research: "U.S. Census demographics of  who votes in Presidential elections" -    V. Lance Tarrance, Jr. was Special Assistant to the Director of the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Previously, he was Director of Research for the Republican National...



The dallas morning news

 February 4, 1972 - "Ticket-Splitters Add to 1972 Puzzle" by Walter B. Moore, Editor, Texas Almanac - "Politicians puzzled by all of the confusion about the 1972 election rules in Texas can find another worry in the trend toward vote switching.  It's described in a new book co-authored by ...V. Lance Tarrance (The Ticket Splitter:  A New Force in American Politics...)



1968 - The Republican National Committee (RNC), under Chairman Ray C. Bliss, contributes to the Nixon-Agnew campaign in several substantive areas. Massive Staff Runs Nixon-Agnew Presidential Campaign: Assistant research director is L​ance Tarrance, former research director for the Texas GOP. Public Relations. Headed by Fred W. Morrison, the division prepares...

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  • Boy Scouts of America (Eagle Scout)
  • Washington & Lee University - Virginia
  • Peter O'Donnell, Jr., Texas
  • Senator John G. Tower - Texas
  • Ray C. Bliss, Washington D.C.
  • Walter DeVries, Michigan - North Carolina
  • James O. Reese - Texas
  • Roger Ailes - New York
  • Jim Clifton - Washington D.C.
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